The plastic Easter grass is getting thrown out. That's it, I'm through, I don't even know why it's still in the house after all these years. Want to know what finally pushed me over the edge?
Here's Merlin, in his role as Monopoly Banker, complete with intern. The Monopoly bit has nothing to do with this, I'm just introducing you to him. He's currently walking around with a long piece of Easter grass hanging out of his butt. Not OFF of his butt, mind you... literally out of it.
Poor, abused, indoor cat. We need to get him a Chia Pet. Wonder if he'd like this one? www.guzer.com/pictures/chiamrt.php
Obama's in good company, no? According to Wikipedia, these are the only two "real people" to have been so honored... (yes, it's after 5 AM and I'm looking up Chia Pets on Wikipedia.)
So that's all taken care of. What was I talking about again?
Haha! Jen, I've heard stories like that before. It's hilarious, and yet at the same time, I'm sorry that you have to see/deal with it.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea that made a Mr. T chia pet.
Merlin is cute! His intern looks just like him! ;)